Gnosis - Quetzalcoatl Cultural Institute

Gnosis ICQ in: Spanish | Francais:

Who of all the Apostles of the great Kabir Jesus is the Saint Patron of all Jinn phenomena and how can he help us in these works?

Answer from the V.M. Samael Aun Weor.

Undoubtedly, Philip, the Apostle of the great Kabir Jesus, is the Saint Patron of all these Jinn phenomena.

The Holy Scriptures assert that Philip, after having baptized a eunuch, was caught up by the Lord and then followed his joyful path.

They say that he later found himself in Azotus and that passing by he announced the Gospel in all the cities until he arrived in Caesarea.

Any sincere Gnostic Arhat can implore the magical help of the great Apostle Philip.

If you love Philip, when you are dozing, meditate on him. Exclude from your mind any other thought, and as you feel in your soul the joy of his presence, utter the following ritual phrase: To heaven Felipe! Then leave your bedroom with a firm and determined step, violently entering the unknown dimension.

Samael Aun Weor. Excerpt from the lecture: La doctrine secrète de l'Anahuac.

Answer from the Book "The Esoteric Pentagram in Gnosis.".

Philip, the Apostle of the great Kabir Jesus, is the Saint Patron of all these Jinn phenomena. We can implore the magical help of the great Apostle Philip, when we are dozing, meditate on him.

Eliminate any other thought from our mind, and feel in our soul the joy of his presence, and vocalize the following ritual phrase: To heaven Phillip! Then leave your bedroom with a firm and determined step, entering the fourth dimension.

The Magazine "The Wisdom of Being" 101: "Jinn Practice."