Gnostic Question of the Week
What is Kundalini?
Answer from the V.M. Samael Aun Weor.
The Eternal Feminine, GOD-MOTHER, “is the SOUL OF THE UNIVERSE” as Plato said; it is the ANIMA-MUNDI, crucified on the planet Earth.
THE MIDNIGHT SUN lives in love with woman; the Midnight Sun, the LOGOS, loves woman. She is URANIA-VENUS, the one who has the Book of Wisdom in her hands; she is, precisely, the Vestal who is between the two Columns in the Egyptian Temple; she is the WIFE OF THE THIRD LOGOS...
Having understood these principles, we (men) must revere woman, worship woman, because without woman we could not reach the Intimate Self-Realization of the Being.
Samael Aun Weor. The Spiritual Liberation of Woman.
Answer from the magazine "The The wisdom of the Being.".
Woman, the eternal feminine, is the unfolding of the Eternal Masculine Principle; God himself, with all his greatness, unfolds to become woman.
The Eternal Feminine shines not only in that which has no name, not only in the universal spirit of life, not only in the stars that attract and repel each other (in accordance with the law of polarities), but it also shines within the atom, within the ions, within the electrons, within the protons, in the most infinitesimal particles of all that vibrates and pulsates in creation. The Eternal Feminine makes marvelous compasses with the Eternal Masculine, to create and to create again. The Eternal Feminine, God himself converted into Mother, works intensively in this creation; the Eternal Feminine is the ray that awakens the dormant consciences of men. The moment has come for each woman to raise with her right hand the torch of the word to illuminate the path of men. With deep pain I must say that we men are marching along the line of entropy (equalization with the majority of people, loss of values) that is, we are walking in a downward, involutionary way. The time has come for women to extend their right hand to men to lift us up, to regenerate us, to make us something different, something different. The time has come for women to understand that the masculine element is in involution at this time; the time has come for women to fight intensively to regenerate man.
Thus, women have (in this Age of Aquarius) a great role to play, which is to regenerate the decadent masculine element.
The Magazine "The Wisdom of Being" 103: "The Gnostic Realization of Woman ."