Gnosis - Quetzalcoatl Cultural Institute

Gnosis ICQ in: Spanish | Francais:

Does our divine mother have the power to take us out in Jinas?

Answer from the V.M. Samael Aun Weor.

Devotees of the Jinas religion, before practicing Pranayama, must pray to the Divine Mother, begging her to give them the power to put the physical body in the Jinas state. Pranayama must be practiced a lot to conquer the powers of Jinas. The student must carefully select the key that he or she likes best to practice the Jinas science. It is urgent that the student understands that the Jinas religion demands absolute chastity and supreme holiness.

Samael Aun Weor, Excerpt from the book: The Yellow Book.

Answer from the Book "The Esoteric Pentagram in Gnosis.".

Obviously, we had achieved a wonderful victory. Days later we continued with these experiments, we learned to put the physical body into the Higher Cosmos... Today, through direct experience, we know that with the help of the Divine Mother Kundalini we can put the Physical Body in the Jinas State, to travel between the Cosmos above.

The Magazine "The Wisdom of Being" 101: "With Litelantes."