Gnosis - Quetzalcoatl Cultural Institute

Gnosis ICQ in: Spanish | Francais:

What is the final liberation?

Answer from the V.M. Samael Aun Weor.

Unquestionably, the Essence can escape from the "I" through rigorous disciplines and enjoy ecstasy, however, after the bliss, it returns to the interior of the "Myself."

Those who have become accustomed to ecstasy, without having dissolved the "Ego", believe that they have already achieved liberation, they deceive themselves into believing themselves to be Masters and even enter the submerged Involution.

We would never speak out against mystical rapture, against the ecstasy and happiness of the Soul in the absence of the EGO.

We only want to emphasize the need to dissolve "I's" to achieve final liberation.

The Essence of any disciplined anchorite, accustomed to escaping from the "I", repeats such a feat after the death of the physical body, enjoys the ecstasy for a time and then returns like the Genie in Aladdin's lamp to the inside of the bottle, to the Ego, Myself.

Then he has no choice but to return to a new physical body, with the purpose of repeating his life on the mat of existence.

Many mystics who died in the caves of the Himalayas in Central Asia are now vulgar, ordinary people in this world, even though their followers still worship and venerate them.

Any attempt at liberation, no matter how great it may be, if it does not take into account the need to dissolve the Ego, is doomed to failure.

Samael Aun Weor, Excerpt from the book: Revolutionary Psychology.

Answer from the Book "The Esoteric Pentagram in Gnosis.".

The final liberation is when the human being incarnates his Real Being, this being a very difficult job, since it is essential to free himself from the mortifying shackles created by our thousands of psychological defects.

The Magazine "The Wisdom of Being" 102: "The Paramites."