Gnosis - Quetzalcoatl Cultural Institute

Gnosis ICQ in: Spanish | Francais:

What do we have to do If we want to enter the Chapultepec temple?

Answer from the V.M. Samael Aun Weor.

Whoever wants to know Occult Science, he must come out in the astral body. Occult Science is studied in the internal worlds.

Only by talking personally with the masters can you know occult science. Intellectual theories of the physical world only serve to damage the mind and brain.

The leader of the Chapultepec temple is Master Rasmussen.

Two guardians with flaming swords guard the entrance to the temple. Ancient wisdom is studied in this temple.

The great masters of the White Lodge meet in this temple.

Samael Aun Weor. Igneous Rose.

Answer from the Magazine "The Wisdom of the Being." 101.

Among the Jinn experiences that Master Samael tells us, he refers on several occasions to the Temple of Chapultepec, it is pertinent to remind the kind reader that said Temple is not located on the physical plane, this place is in the fifth dimension and can only be visited in the astral body, entry to this sacred Temple is not allowed to anyone, it is important to know that only masters and initiates can enter the doors of the temple and that these are jealously guarded by a pair of guards with naked swords.

The Magazine "The Wisdom of Being" 101: "The Temple of Chapultepec."