
What is the Psychological Slavery?

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Answers from the books of Samael Aun Weor

Psychological slavery destroys interaction. Psychological dependence on someone is slavery. If our manner of thinking, feeling and acting depends on the manner of thinking, feeling and acting of those persons who interact with us, then we are enslaved.

We constantly receive letters from many people who are desirous of eliminating the ‘I’, but they complain about the wife, children, brother, family, husband, boss, etc. Those people demand conditions in order to dissolve the ‘I’, they want luxuries in order to annihilate the ego, they demand magnificent conduct from those with whom they interact.

The funniest thing of all of this is that those poor people seek different subterfuges, they want to flee, abandon their home, their job, etc., supposedly to realize themselves in depth.

Poor people..., their adored torments are their bosses, naturally. These people have not yet learned to be free, their conduct depends on the conduct of others.

If we want to follow the path of chastity and aspire that our wife first be chaste, then we are failures already. If we want to cease being drunkards but we become embarrassed when we are offered a drink because of whet others will say, or because our friends could become angry, then we will never cease to be drunkards.

If we want to cease being angry, irascible, irate, furious, but as a prior condition we demand that those who interact with us be sweet and serene and that they do nothing that bothers us, then yes we are failures because they are not saints and at any moment they will put an end to our good intentions.

If we want to dissolve the ‘I’, we need to be free. The one who depends on the behavior of others will not be able to dissolve the ‘I’. Our conduct should be our own and should not depend on anyone. Our thoughts, feelings and actions should flow independently from the inside towards the outside.

The worst difficulties offer us the best opportunities. In the past there existed many sages surrounded by all types of luxuries and without difficulties of any type. Those sages, wanting to annihilate the ‘I’, had to create difficult situations for themselves.

In difficult situations we have formidable opportunities to study our internal and external impulses, our thoughts, sentiments, actions, our reactions, volitions, etc.

Interaction is a full-length mirror where we can see ourselves as we are and not as we apparently are. Interaction is a marvel; if we are properly attentive we can discover at each instant our most secret defects, they flourish, leap out whe n we least expect it.

Samael Aun Weor. Excerpt  from the Book: The Revolution of the Dialectic

