
What’s the importance of the mosquito Xan in the self-discovery?

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Answers from the books of Samael Aun Weor

It is very clear and not difficult to comprehend that when one seriously begins to observe oneself from the point of view that the “myself” is not “one” but “many,” one then really begins to work on all that is carried within.

Hindrances, obstacles, stumbling blocks for the work of intimate self observation, such are the following psychological defects:

Megalomania (delusions of grandeur, to believe that one is a God). Self-worship (belief in a permanent “I” adoration of any type of alter-ego).
Paranoia (know-it all ignoramus, self-sufficiency, vanity, thinking oneself infallible, mystic pride, person who does not like to see another persons point of view).

When an individual continues with the absurd conviction that myself is “one,” such a person possesses a permanent “I” Then, the serious work upon oneself becomes more than impossible.

Whosoever always considers himself as “one” will never be able to separate the Self from his own undesirable elements.

Such a person will consider each thought, sentiment, desire, emotion, passion, affection, etc. as different and unchangeable functionalisms of his own nature and will even justify himself before others saying that such and such personal defects are of a hereditary nature.

Samael Aun Weor. Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology.

The mosquito Xan is a symbol for the sense of psychological self-observation, its flight path is the direction of our attention towards the inside (the inside of the cave) with the purpose of self-discovery.  Normally we observe ourselves towards the outside, we pretend to know others very well, but there is plenty we ignore about ourselves.

Our defects manifest at will making use of our mind, our sentiments, our instincts, our habits, and the force of our sexuality.  Their manifestation is blatant, because their presence is unknown to us, and they trick us in a variety of ways: behind the desire to work, lurks the defect of greed and under the cover of friendship lurk the desires of lust. That is why the Lords of Xibalba show first the wooden effigies before they can be seen. The effigies are a symbol of those sublime appearances the psychological defects project that lead us into error.

More info: The Secret Teachings of the Popol Vuh, chapter 8: The Mosquito Xan

