Who is Tlaloc and what is his relation with the Human Being?

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TlalocTlaloc god of rain. “Tlalli”: earth; “Octli”: wine; “the wine that the Earth drinks”. The Nahuas always represented him in the “house of the moon”; the face covered with the sacred mask through which he showed his blue eyes; arms and legs naked with golden bracelets in his calves and blue cactli; long hair falling on his back; golden tiara decorated with white, green and red feathers and a necklace with beads of jade; blue tunic over which a mesh ends its rhombus in flowers, in the left hand, a blue shield over which the four petals of a beautiful red flower are open; in the right hand, the symbols of hail and rays in gold painted with red. At both sides, two vessels with blue legs representing the water and the moon.

Samael Aun Weor. Christic Aztec Magic.

I would seems fantastic to many people that we talk in plain XX Century about tha “Tlaloc’s Paradise”, it happens that the “super-civilized” of this epoch have forgotten completely the Nature’s Elemental Wisdom.

Tlaloc is certainly a “Deva” of the water element, is a Cosmic Power of the Universe, he has real existence. Undoubtedly these kinds of Cosmic Deities normally live in the region of the Natural Causes, region in which the scientist of the atom and molecule have no access.

However, the Anahuac’s prophets in state of ecstasy could penetrate such region and talk face to face with Tlaloc. In the name of Truth we will emphatically say that the Tlaloc’s paradise does exist.

We well know that there are four fundamental regions.

We would call the first the “CELLULAR REGION”, it’s is that region of organic life, the Three-dimensional region of Euclid.

The second is the “SUBMERGED MINERAL WORLD”, which cannot be denied by the physics because there are the mines and the interior of the Earth demonstrate it. (We live physically in the geological layer of the Earth, in the mineral layer)

The third region is the “MOLECULAR WORLD”, and the fourth the “ELECTRONIC WORLD”. From a cosmic and Gnostic point of view we would say that the MOLECULAR WORLD is made by the Astral and Mental Regions.

As regard the ELECTRONIC SOLAR WORLD, it’s formed by the NATURAL CAUSES WORLD, by the UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS WORLD and by the PURE SPIRIT REGION. Therefore there are 4 regions and this is needed to understand…

The Tlaloc’s region is formidable, extraordinary, marvelous; Tlaloc lives in the Causal world; everything is said about Tlaloc, it refers to that world of Natural Causes in which he lives.

God Tlaloc

Precious traditions registered in codex say that “he lives surrounded by beautiful children” and that “when a ray falls is because some pitcher or just a vessel has been broken, it has been smashed”. Of course this is symbolic; we should not take this literally…

It’s been said too that “Tlaloc had a wife” (it refers to the “Walkiria”, it refers to the SPIRITUAL SOUL, which is feminine). I’ve said in many of my works that the INTIMATE, this is, our BEING, has two Souls: one is the Spiritual Soul and the other is the HUMAN SOUL; the Human Soul is masculine and the Spiritual Soul is feminine.

This is the sign of GEMINI in our spiritual Nature. So when it is spoken about Tlaloc and his wife, it refers in a emphatic way in the codex to the two Souls: the masculine and the feminine of Tlaloc. Tlaloc is not guilty the sacrifices of children and maids on his honor: it was always done to implore for the rains, but Tlaloc never demanded for those holocausts…

Samael Aun Weor. Excerpt from the Lecture: The God Tlaloc.