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Answers from the books of Samael Aun Weor

The fallacy of the ego is the habit of deceiving without any limitation, the latter processing itself through the series of the ‘I’.

Any person can commit the error of shooting his head as is done by any cowardly and imbecile suicidal person, but the famous ‘I’ of Psychology will never be able to commit suicide.

People of all pseudo-esoteric schools have magnificent ideals and even sublime intentions, but all of that continues existing in the field of subjective and miserable thinking; all of that is of the ‘I’.

The ‘I’ is always perverse, sometimes it adorns itself with beautiful virtues and even wears the robe of sanctity.

When the ‘I’ wants to cease to exist, it does not do it in a disinterested and pure manner, it wants to continue in a different manner, it aspires to reward and happiness.

During these mechanized times of life, there is production in series, series of cars, series of airplanes, series of machines of this or that brand, etc., everything has become a series and even the ‘I’ itself is a series.

We should know the series of the ‘I’. The ‘I’ processes itself in series and more series of thoughts, sentiments, desires, hatreds, habits, etc.

Let the dividers of the ‘I’ continue dividing their ego between “superior and inferior”, let them be with their theories and the touted superior and ultra-divine ‘I’ controlling the miserable inferior ‘I’.

We know very well that that division between superior ‘I’ and inferior ‘I’ is one hundred percent false. Superior and inferior are two sections of the same thing. Superior ‘I’ and inferior ‘I’ are the two sections of Satan, the ‘I’.

Can perhaps a part of the ‘I’ reduce another part of the ‘I’ to dust? Can perhaps one part of the myself decree the law of exile to another part of the myself?

The most that we can do is to astutely conceal what is convenient to us, to hide our perversities and smile like saints, this is the fallacy of the ego, the habit of deceiving. One part of the myself can hide another part of the myself Is this something unusual? Does perhaps the cat not hide his claws? This is the fallacy of the ego. We all carry the Pharisee within us; we are very beautiful from the outside, but we are very rotten within.

Samael Aun Weor. Excerpt  from the Book: The Revolution of the Dialectic

